Pune Locality Guides

Top Localities from Pune

About Locality

Pin Code, PMC/PCMC, Locality overview, Locality Pictures and many more.

Locality Ratings by Expert

Average Buy/Sale Rate of Apartment/Flat, Connectivity Rating, Environment Rating, Safety Rating, Lifestyle Rating, Green Cover Rating, Drinking Water Availability Rating, Overall rating of locality etc.

Real Estate Agent
Positive about locality

What is Positive?

Positive highlights about Connectivity, Transportation, Safety, Drinking Water, Road Conditions, Street lights, Public Transport condition, Employment hubs, Public Parks, Tourist places etc.

Areas for Improvement

Improvement areas like Monson flooding, Water availability, Public Transportation, Road Conditions, Safety, Connectivity etc.

Locality Improvement
Pune Map

Location on Map

Distance to employment hubs, key areas, Driving direction etc.

Employment Hubs

List of nearby Employment Hubs, Distance of employment hub, IT Parks, Automobile Sector, MIDC, Banking, Electronics Parks, Chemical Sector etc.

Employment hubs nearby

Development Plan (DP), Town Plan (TP)

Locality’s Development Plan, Town Plan from PMC, PCMC, PMRDA, Sanctioned Plan, Proposed Plan, Master Plan of Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad, Collector Sanctioned Plans etc.

School and Colleges

List of Pre-Primary Schools, Primary Schools, Colleges, Engineering, Medical, Pharmacy, Nursing, Architecture etc.

School College
Real estate

Property Buyers Interests

Property configuration options availability in area like 1 RK, 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and duplex flats. Average Buy/Sale and Rent rate of 1BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK Apartment/Flat. Ready Reckoner Rate of Apartment/Flat, Residential Land, Shops, Office Space.

Upcoming Developments

Upcoming Metro Routes, Metro Stations, New Roads, Flyovers, Sport Complex, Public Parks, Road Widening, Town Planning Schemes, Ring Road, Cycle Tracks, Walkways and many more.

Upcoming Developments
Tourist Places

Tourist Places

List of nearby tourist places along with distance and place information.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Real Estate, Transportation, Locality Review, Employment Hubs, Public Infrastructure etc.


Top Localities from Pune